
fever ray // if i had a heart.


If I Had A Heart from Fever Ray on Vimeo.

in other news, i'm working on things behind the scenes right now. approaching this blogging thing from a different, more sustainable angle. february will be the month to do this.

how much do you love that video?


where the hell is matt?

most. brilliant. thing. ever.

here's a great article about how the video was faked*. (with photoshop. what else?) the video is almost as good as the original.

*even the fake is fake. this is the single most amazing piece of internet art ever created, fake or not. (and clearly it's real.)

happy new year.

all this happened on the last day of 2008:

túrána hott kurdís by hasta la otra méxico! from Till Credner on Vimeo.

i'm really, really inspired to make 2009 beautiful. (and to go visit sandbridge in the blinding cold to watch the night sky over the water. if you want to make that happen, grab a bottle of wine and let's go soon.)
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